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ALFA-OHM, electrically conductive PLA filament - 150 grams

ALFAOHM is a conductive PLA filament developed in collaboration with LATI. It is easy to print and has a resistance of 15 Ohm x cm along the layers and 20 Ohm x cm in the right-angle direction.
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4-5 weeks

ALFAOHM is a unique PLA filament that can conduct electricity.

This conductive PLA has been developed in collaboration with LATI to be able to print all your conductive 3D printed parts.

ALFAOHM has a resistance of 15 Ohm x cm along the layers and 20 Ohm x cm in the right-angle direction.

Datasheet ALFAOHM

Advantages of ALFAOHM:

  • Print very easily
  • Conducted electricity
  • Non-toxic


Print settings ALFAOHM:

  • Print temperature: 210 - 230°C
  • Bed temperature: 0 - 70°C
  • Fan: ON
  • Print speed: 10 - 50mm/sec.

*Note: ALFAOHM is a charged filament; After printing, remove all residue from your hotend/nozzle with ABS or HIPS to prevent blockages!



For more information about this special filament, visit

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