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Flexfill 98A: semi flexible 3D filament, natural, 500 grams (0.5 KG)

Flexfill 98A is semi-flexible 3D printer filament with great ease of print and mechanic properties. Shore A hardness: 98A Printing temp.: 200 - 220°C Heated Bed: 30 - 50°C Print speed: Low speed
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Data sheet Flexfill 98A

Flexfill: Flexible TPU filament

Flexfill from Fillamentum is flexible TPU (termoplastic polyurethane) 3D filament which was developed with great ease of print and mechanical properties as main goals.

Flexfill is oil resistant with unique mechanical properties and excellent inter-layer adhesion.

Flexfill TPU filament is available in two grades, which differ in mechanical properties.

Flexfill 92A - flexible filament with hardness 92 ShA 

Flexfill 98A - semi-flexible filament with hardness 98 ShA

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