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PolyTerra™ 3KG PLA black, Charcoal Black, 3.000 grams 3D filament

PolyTerra ™ PLA is a eco-friendly new generation 3D filament, made from biological sources. PolyTerra ™ PLA is high quality, reliable and prints quickly & easily. This filament is durable and a new tree is planted for each spool.
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Polymaker PolyTerra ™ is eco-friendly and reliable PLA made from biological sources that prints easily & quickly.

Everything about this filament is sustainable: the raw materials, packaging, the cardboard spool and a tree is planted by Polymaker for each spool produced.

PolyTerra ™ is a new generation filament with an emphasis on a new approach to producing and dealing with waste and our planet.

Printing settings:

  • Nozzle Temperature: 190˚C - 230˚C
  • Printing Speed: 30mm / s - 70mm / s
  • Bed Temperature: 25˚C - 60˚C
  • Cooling Fan: ON
  • Drying Settings: 55˚C for 6 hours


Mechanical properties:

  • Young's Modulus: 1882 ± 141 Mpa
  • Tensile Strength: 20.9 ± 2.0 Mpa
  • Bending Strength: 39.6 ± 1.1 Mpa
  • Charpy Impact Strength: 5.7 ± 0.4 kJ / m2

Thermal properties:

  • Glass Transition Temperature: 60.6˚C
  • Vicat Softening Temperature: 62.7˚C
  • Melting Temperature: 162.6˚C
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