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PolyMax™ Tough PLA True Yellow, RAL 1018, Pantone Yellow, 750 gram (0.75 KG)

PolyMax™ is high-end Tough PLA overall superior to ABS features; an unique PLA! PolyMax™ is 9 times harder and is produced with Jam-Free™ technology that prevents jams. Colour: True Yellow, RAL 1018 Pantone Yellow
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Polymax Tough PLA is PLA with better properties than ABS and a trouble-free production due to the jam-free technology

> Datasheet PolyMax

> Printing information sheet

> Safety datasheet

PolyMax PLA Tough is a type of PLA that is 9 x harder than regular PLA with better mechanical properties than ABS.PolyMax prints just as easily as regular PLA.PolyMax is produced using Jam-Free™ technology that ensures an even extrusion that prevents clogging.

Printing PolyMax PLA Tough:

  • Nozzle temp.: 190-230°C
  • Heated Bed: 25 - 60°C
  • Bed surface: PEI, glass, BuildTak, Kapton tape
  • Bed adhesion: 3DLAC, Magigoo
  • Printing speed: 40 - 60 mm/sec
  • Part cooling fan: On
  • Pre-dry settings: 2 hours at 55°C




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