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Polypropylene filament, black - PP2320, 600 grams

Polypropylene filament PP2320 is suitable for many applications due to the numerous properties and printing is relatively easy. Polypropylene is also excellent for recycling.
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PP2320 is polypropylene filament with which everyone can produce functional 3D objects.

PP2320 is a particularly versatile polyprolylene polymer and therefore suitable for you to make many usable objects on your 3D printer.

Datasheet PP2320 - polypropylene filament

Information sheet - polypropylene filament

Veiligheid information - polypropylene filament

Printer settings guide - polypropylene filament

Diameter 1.75
Weight 600 grams
Working Temperature 225 - 245°C
Heated bed 90 - 105°C

3D printing with polypropylene:

Polypropylene filament can be a challenge to print because PP is prone to warping. PP is a semi-crystalline polymer and tends to shrink and warp as it cools. The 3D printing of PP therefore has a learning curve and can be a challenge even for an experienced 3D printer.

  • That's why we have a few tips for printing polypropylene:
  • Print PP in an enclosure
  • Use a glass bed or PP plate as a substrate
  • Bridges and overhangs can be tricky; so use support
  • Detail view can be difficult with PP; try to get this out of your models
  • By increasing the print temperature you create stronger parts
  • Vase fashion is almost impossible with polypropylene filament

Polypropylene can be used well for 3D printing of electrical devices and housings. In addition, polypropylene is a food safe, so you can print everything where you want to store food in 3D with PP2320.

Polypropylene is one of the most widely used plastics in the world and is mechanically very strong, has good resistance to chemicals, can tolerate very low temperatures and an enormous pulling power.

The advantages of this industrial Polypropylene filament are that PP polymer is easy to print, has good layer adhesion and a matte and smooth surface. Polypropylene is often used for electrical appliances and enclosures.

Polypropylene 3D filament is available in a diameter of 1.75 mm and is wrapped around a round coil with the greatest care.

24 Jul 2024
Xavier Simon
Zojuist ontvangen en al geprint!
Dit filament is stijver dan andere PP-filamenten en voor mij veel beter dan de PA12 voor FPV Drone-frames.
Mijn parameters zijn : nozzle 0,6 mm, layer 0,24 mm, 232°, 100° PEI bed + Magigoo PP , snelheid 25/50 mm met 15 mm brim alleen aan de buitenkant en geen koeling.
Twee dingen verrasten mij: de uitzonderlijke afwerking, het filament is bijna mat en de lagen zijn daardoor niet te zien, en het tweede is de kers op de taart: de supports kunnen moeiteloos en schoon worden verwijderd.
Tot slot: een filament dat mijn verwachtingen ruimschoots overtreft!

Juste reçu et deja imprimé !
Ce filament est plus rigide que les autres filaments PP et pour moi bien meilleur que le PA12 pour les chassis de Drone FPV.
Mes paramètres sont buse 0.6mm, hauteur de couche 0.24 mm, 232°, 100° plateau PEI + magigoo PP, vitesse 25/50 mm avec brim 15mm uniquement à l'exterieur et pas de refroidissement.
Deux choses m'ont étonnées : la finition exceptionnelle, le filament est quasiment mate et les layers ne voient donc pas, et la seconde est la cerise sur le gâteau : les supports s'enlèvent sans éfforts et proprement.
Pour conclure : un filament bien au dela de mes attentes !
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