PolyWood™ - wood like PLA filament, 600 grams
PolyWood ™ is 3D printer filament that looks like wood, but does not contain wood fibers; therefore your nozzle is less likely to clog when you print Polywood. Polywood consists of PLA with a special foam technique.
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Polywood is the wood filament without wood fibers
Polywood is PLA filament with a special foam technique, namely Polymaker's Stabilized Foaming ™ technology. This gives Polywood a coarser, irregular wood-like surface and a lighter weight than regular PLA, which gives it a wood look and feel.
In addition to the special foam technology, Polywood also offers Polymaker's Jam-Free ™ technology; a technique that prevents blockages in the hotend. This ensures trouble-free 3D printing from Polywood.
> Printing instructions Polywood
Thanks to the jam-free and stabilized foaming technologies, you can make high-quality wooden 3D prints without blocking your nozzle. Furthermore, the foaming technique provides surprisingly lightweight 3D objects. This opens up new possibilities for lightweight applications such as 3D printing of drones and the Comic-Com lightweight costumes.
Look further on www.plasticz.nl to discover our woodfill filament!
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