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Polypropylene filament - PP2320, 600 grams

Polypropylene filament PP2320 is suitable for many applications due to the numerous properties and printing is relatively easy. Polypropylene is also excellent for recycling.
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PP2320 is polypropylene filament with which everyone can produce functional 3D objects

PP2320 is a particularly versatile polyprolylene polymer and therefore suitable for you to make many usable objects on your 3D printer.


> Datasheet PP2320

> Information sheet

> Safety data sheet

> Printing Guide

Printing PP2320:

  • Print temperature: 225–245 °C
  • Bed temperature: 90 –105 °C
  • Printing speed: 20 - 40 mm/sec
  • Cooling: 0 - 50%
  • Bed surface: Glass, PP-plate
  • Bed adhesive: Magigoo PP
  • Enclosure: Recommended

Polypropylene can be used well for 3D printing of electrical devices and housings. In addition, polypropylene is a food safe, so you can print everything where you want to store food in 3D with PP2320.

Polypropylene is one of the most widely used plastics in the world and is mechanically very strong, has good resistance to chemicals, can tolerate very low temperatures and an enormous pulling power.

The advantages of this industrial Polypropylene filament are that PP polymer is easy to print, has good layer adhesion and a matte and smooth surface. Polypropylene is often used for electrical appliances and enclosures.

Polypropylene 3D filament is available in a diameter of 1.75 mm and is wrapped around a round coil with the greatest care.




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